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Who is the President?

The President of the United States is often considered the most powerful elected official in the world. The President leads a nation of great wealth and military strength. Presidents have often provided decisive leadership in times of crisis, and they have shaped many important events in history.

The Constitution of the United States gives the President enormous power. However, it also limits that power. The authors of the Constitution wanted a strong leader as President, but they did not want an all-powerful king. As a result, they divided the powers of the United States government among three branches—executive, legislative, and judicial. The President, who is often called the chief executive, heads the executive branch. Congress represents the legislative branch. The Supreme Court of the United States and other federal courts make up the judicial branch. Congress and the Supreme Court may prevent or end any presidential action that exceeds the limits of the President’s powers and trespasses on their authority.

The President has many roles and performs many duties. As chief executive, the President makes sure that federal laws are enforced. As commander in chief of the nation’s armed forces, the President is responsible for national defense. As foreign policy director, the President determines United States relations with other nations. As legislative leader, the President recommends laws and works to win their passage. As head of a political party, the President helps mold the party’s positions on national and foreign issues. As popular leader, the President tries to inspire the people of the United States to work together to meet the nation’s goals. Finally, as chief of state, the President performs a variety of ceremonial duties.

A number of Presidents became great leaders. The most admired ones include George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and John F. Kennedy. These leaders served as President when the United States faced extraordinary challenges. They also met those challenges with courage, determination, energy, imagination, and political know-how. Some of the most admired Presidents at times ignored the U.S. Constitution or showed little regard for Congress. Nevertheless, their actions won public support. Therefore, like other great Presidents, they broadened respect for the presidency and strengthened the office.

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